How to Work From Home with Your Pet
How to Work From Home with Your Pet In this new work-from-home reality, pets have proven to be very difficult coworkers. From cats sitting on top of computers, to dogs who simply cannot understand why you are not paying attention to them while you are home, we’ve seen that the struggle is definitely real. And […]

Why Dogs Eat Grass When They are Sick
WHY DOGS EAT GRASS WHEN THEY ARE SICK Have you ever wondered why your dog has decided to munch on grass whenever they’re noticeably not feeling well? There could be a few different reasons for this strange behavior. Many times when dogs feel nauseous, they want to throw up so they can feel better. Often […]

Why Dogs Eat Their Own Poop
Why Dogs Eat Their Own Poop Have you noticed your dog eating their own poop? Well, there are actually many reasons that a dog may do this. (If you notice your dog doing this, it is important to remain calm and don’t react chaotically). Your dog wants attention! If you have negatively disciplined your dog […]